Monday, February 9, 2009

The Love Dare

Matt and I have been married for almost 8 years and we were together for 4 years before that. So really, we have grown into adults together. We met while we were in high school and started dating toward the end of his senior year. I can honestly say that I knew I would marry Matt pretty soon after we started dating. He was just different than anyone else I dated and had respect for me. We went to church together and we hung out with the youth group and some of his other friends from church. I grew up in a Methodist church, which is different from Chilhowee Hills Baptist in many ways. I had never been saved. Actually, it was not even taught to me that the only way to heaven is thru Jesus Christ. In a Methodist church, everything is so formal, being christened as an infant, having confirmation (making you a member of the church) as a youth, etc. You can't be made into a Christian by being baptized. You are made into a Christian by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and knowing that he died on the cross to save you from your sins. It's as simple as that. I was saved on November 17th, 2001, which was shortly after Matt and I married. We now have two children, Ben (born in August 2004) and Katie (born in May 2007). I truly want them to grow up with parents that love each other unconditionally. What a foundation that will create for their relationships and marriages!

So, now that you have a basic history of us, on to the Love Dare! Matt and I have a good marriage. I say good because things can always be better...nothing is ever perfect. We have the typical spats about money or housework or this or that, but nothing ever truly detrimental. Things are actually going very well. We are debt free except for our house and have plans to pay it off by the end of the Summer 2009. After that, we are taking a celebration trip to Las Vegas! It's amazing how having no debt is so liberating. I'm not doing the Love Dare because our marriage is burning to the ground. Not at all. In fact, it's probably just the opposite - still in the building and growing stage. I'm doing the Love Dare as preventative maintenance for a long-lasting, strong Christian-based marriage.

I hope you enjoy this blog as I make my way thru the 40 day challenge. I imagine it will take longer than 40 days as there will be bumps (maybe hills or mountains) in the road, but I hope you will follow along with me and support and encourage me. I will look forward to it each morning with optimism and courage.

By the way, Matt has NO IDEA that I'm reading this book, much less performing the Love Dare on him. I wanted to keep it a secret so that he can enjoy the untainted results. I don't want him to think I'm being phony. I want him to know that I am genuinely seeking a FIREPROOF MARRIAGE.


  1. oooh I am looking forward to this!
    I am wanting to get it on the book too eventhough we are not married yet....I still find myself feeling immature about somethings...just because of my perception of what it should be or how he may feel about it!

    I think relationships are always in the building and growing stage with stagnant periods here and there.

    Can't wait to read your other posts tonight when I get home!

  2. Thank you for posting this. I am currently performing the Love Dare on my wife. I choose to do it over lent because I believe the best way I can become more like Jesus is to love unconditionally as he did. That has to start with my wife.


I appreciate your comments of support and encouragement and welcome your thoughts. If you know of someone that might benefit from my adventure, please forward them a link.