Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 10

Day 10: Love is unconditional – “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Roman 5:8

God wants us to love our spouse like He loves us. Unconditionally. Not, “I love you because…” Just, “I love you.” Yes, it’s wonderful to build up our spouses by telling them the things we adore about them. To me, that should just help to intensify the unconditional love, not define it. Our spouses can’t make us love them. We choose to love them. We don’t love someone because they are pretty or because they behave in a certain way - those are characteristics that attract us to that person, not make us love them. Looks and behaviors change over the years but a deep, absolute, unconditional love withstands the test of time.

Day 10 Dare: Do something out of the ordinary for your spouse – something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold the laundry. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

I decided that for today’s dare, I would put away the tools that Matt has been using for our bathroom remodels. He is finished with the exception of trimming out the paint and installing a towel ring at each sink. He told me that he would just wait and put everything away at the same time. So, while he was in the shower, I took the tools (wrenches, hammer, dry wall screws, etc.) he didn’t need for the remaining projects and placed him in his new tool box in the garage. I put each one in their respective drawer/cabinet and then he wouldn’t have to do it later. At first, he didn’t notice, but then he thanked me for doing it. I told him I wasn’t just doing it because I was sick of looking at them. I did it because I wanted to show him that I love him and I wanted to help him to demonstrate that love.

So far, Matt still doesn’t know that I’m doing the Love Dare. As I said in my original post, I’m doing this Love Dare not because we are having “problems,” but because I want to strengthen our marriage. I want to do this in order to build a “Fireproof” relationship that is not only ready to withstand a small fire, but is able to endure what could easily be a catastrophic fire. We will still be standing together when the fires come and go.

Lord, I praise You and already feel that I am coming closer to You thru this Love Dare. I only pray that someone else will be touched by my journey and either come to know You or realize that their marriage is worth saving. I could not do this without You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. so what did he say when you clarified why you were doing it?

    I was wondering if you were gonna point out that you did it or if he would just notice.
    Sometimes I feel like we do so many things for our family that don't get recognized. Sometimes, it doesn't matter because I want to do it...I want to take care of my family. But then as well all know, there are days when we don't have the same attitude for whatever reason and feel unappreciated.

    It's hard to balance sometimes.


I appreciate your comments of support and encouragement and welcome your thoughts. If you know of someone that might benefit from my adventure, please forward them a link.