Monday, February 23, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 14

Day 14: Love takes delight – “Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life.” – Ecclesiastes 9:9

Our lives are so busy, we often forget to stop and take delight in what we are experiencing at the present time. It’s hard to stop and just sit with your spouse when the yard needs to be mowed, laundry is piled to the ceiling, the kids are filthy and the car needs to be cleaned out from the moldy sippy cups that have rolled under the seat. I’m working on letting the little things go and delighting in the things that matter.

Day 14 Dare:
Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something he or she would love to do or a project they’d really like to work on. Just be together.

Since blogging is something I normally do in the evenings, I’m neglecting this activity for tonight. Matt is in the shower and when I hear the water cut off, I’m all his!

Lord, let this evening be a blessing for our marriage. Help me let the little things go and focus on my wonderful, God-given husband. Amen.


I appreciate your comments of support and encouragement and welcome your thoughts. If you know of someone that might benefit from my adventure, please forward them a link.