Monday, March 9, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 28

Day 28: Love makes sacrifices – “He laid down His life for us. We should lay down our lives for our brothers.” - 1 John 3:16

think we all make sacrifices daily…sometimes without even knowing it. We sacrifice at home, at work, with our children. However, sometimes if we sacrifice too much, we are robbing other areas in our lives. Pastor Tony has preached on this very thing in the past. He has preached on the fact that we have to sacrifice things in our everyday lives for God. The thing that jumps out at me the most is him talking about not being a “taxi service” for our kids. This is weighing heavily on me right now because our oldest son will be starting T-Ball very soon. I really want him to be able to play sports, but when he is old enough, he will be required to choose one sport to play. I will not sacrifice my time at church, my time at home, my time with my husband or children to taxi the kids all over town for a ball game. Our time at home with each other is much more important than him being at one ball field and me being at the other. It’s just not worth it.

lso, I keep going back to housework. How many times do we just offer to do something for our spouse? Can I run to the grocery store for you? Can I put those dishes away for you? Can I use the weed whacker while you are mowing? How about your truck…does it need to be washed? As tired as we are when we get home from work or while the kids are napping, we sometimes just want to crash on the couch and read a book. But, before we do this, could we be selfless and ask our spouse what need you can meet for them tonight?

Day 28 Dare: What is one of the greatest needs in your spouse’s life right now? Is there a need you could life from their shoulders today by a daring act of sacrifice on your part? Whether the need is big or small, purpose to do what you can to meet the need.

know Matt very well. One of his biggest needs is quality time. He just hates when I won’t sit with him and watch TV or play blackjack, etc. So, night I again chose not to watch Jon and Kate, Plus 8. I know this may sound silly, but as I have mentioned before, Matt hates, hates, hates this show. He thinks Jon & Kate talk down to each other all the time and he frankly can’t stand to watch it. It makes him sick. So, in the past, I have always gone up to the bedroom to fold clothes or just sit on the bed and watch the show. Tonight, I didn’t even turn it on. Whew. Big sacrifice on my part. But you know what? I lived. I’m still here and Jon & Kate comes on in repeats all the time and I can catch the show when he’s not around. I stayed downstairs in the living room with him and did nothing but chit chat with him. It was actually refreshing, even though neither of us felt very well.

Lord, again I come to You with an open heart for what you can do for my marriage as well as the marriage of so many others. Please guide them to this site and allow them to read with great understanding. Amen.

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