Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 24

Day 24: Love vs. lust - "The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." - 1 John 2:17

ust breeds more lust. We think that one thing will satisfy us and in actuality it just leads us to want more, bigger, better. We can lust for a person or power or for possessions. It can be all-consuming. If you are lusting after a person, that person can be at the front of your mind at all times, consuming your thoughts, feelings, emotions. Is that person really going to bring you the happiness that you think? If you are lusting for a new, bigger house, you will not be happy until you have the house. But then what? Then that house suddenly isn't big enough anymore and you lust after something more. We need to change our minds and push those lustful thoughts from our heads and hearts. Let's be content with the blessings God has already bestowed upon us.

Day 24 Dare:
End it now. Identify every object of lust in your life and remove it. Single out every lie you've swallowed in pursuing forbidden pleasure and reject it. Lust cannot be allowed to live in a back bedroom. It must be killed and destroyed - today - and replaced with the sure promises of God and a heart filled with His perfect love.

think we are all guilty of lust every single day. We're all guilty in different ways, but I'm probably most guilty of lusting after worldly things. Matt and I can afford nice things and knowing that I can afford something without breaking the bank, it's hard to say "no" sometimes. However, we are trying to be good stewards of our money. We tithe faithfully and save as much as we can. We are completely debt free except for our house, which will be paid off this year. Matt has absolutely no lust for worldly things, so it's hard for him to understand my feelings on the matter. It's my responsibility to remove that lust from my heart because it can easily be a source of disagreement and resentment. I'm trying to immerse my thoughts with God's word and realize that I have been blessed with so much. I have a wonderful husband that loves me. I have a roof over my head. I have a van that takes me to and from work safely. I have clothes to wear. I have food to eat. Praise the Lord for that.

Lord, Please help me remove any sources of lust from my heart. I need You to help me overcome the desires in my heart for worldly pleasures. Amen.

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