Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 20

Day 20: Love is Jesus Christ - "While were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly." - Romans 5:6

Halfway thru the book, what a wonderful opportunity to reaffirm my salvation and come back to God with an even better understanding of what salvation actually means. I am a sinner...always have been, always will be. I'm imperfect and flawed. However, God loves me in spite of those flaws. Jesus Christ died for me even before I was born. He was thinking of me on that cross. Me. You. My husband. My children. My friends. He was thinking of US! Can you believe that? US?!?! He died for us. The ultimate sacrifice for me!! PRAISE GOD! The Bible says that once you have been saved you can understand love. Praise the Lord I was saved in 2001 and I am ready to live the dare. Won't you join me in Heaven? Won't you accept that Jesus died for me and you? If you are saved, continue this dare with me. If not, please take the time to contact me and I can help to lead you to the scriptures to prove that all you must do is ask for salvation and you will receive it. Then, once you pray to God to save you from your sins, you can join me in finishing this dare. Since I have not read ahead in the book, I do not know what lies ahead. However, seeing as it tells me that I am ready for the dare since I am saved, I can only imagine that it requires much more prayer and seeking the face of God as a person who knows I can now love unconditionally since accepting Jesus into my heart.

Day 20 Dare:
Dare to take God at His word. Dare to trust Jesus Christ for salvation. Dare to pray, "Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner. But You have shown Your love for me by dying to forgive my sins, and You have proven Your power to save me from death by Your resurrection. Lord, change my heart, and save me by Your Grace."

Little did I know all those years ago that God was already preparing me for the Love Dare. How amazing that since I prayed that prayer in 2001, I can continue with the dare to not only grow to love my husband, my soul mate, my best friend in an unconditional way, but that I would grow even closer to my heavenly Father. I hope you have prayed that prayer like I have done.

Lord, thank you for my salvation. Thank you for my husband's salvation. May we grow closer to You together and raise our children up to accept You as their Lord as soon as they are old enough to understand.

1 comment:

  1. Salvation is a very personal thing between you and God. It is very hard to explain and sometimes, I feel like the feeling and desire has to be placed in one's heart and felt and hungered for them to really know.

    One you have been saved, there is an overwhelming peace and understanding about it as if all is right in the world.

    There are many people out there who perhaps feel like something is missing. Whether they have been saved I think plays a big role in the direction they should take. We do not have all the answers but asking God to show you where to go--He will answer...and it will be in many forms--even maybe taking it away from your mind--the big thing is trusting Him and following Him in the direction your life takes.


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