Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Love Dare - Day 35

Day 35: Love is accountable – “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs 15:22

ccountability is very important at work, at home, at church. To me, being held accountable for my actions causes me to think twice about the decisions I make or the words that I speak. It makes me want to do the right thing, the best thing. Accountability partners, someone who is in the same boat as us, can help us in so many ways in our lives. Ever try to lose weight by yourself? How about trying to trade stocks without the advice of a financial advisor? It’s more challenging without someone to pat you on the back when you’re successful, hold your hand when you didn’t do so well or give you advice from their experiences. The truth is we need to surround ourselves with like-minded mentors or accountability partners. To have a successful marriage, we must connect with other Christians. Others who want to succeed in marriage. Others that won’t abandon their spouse at the first sign of trouble. Others that desire to have a Godly marriage. Others that have the same happy times, difficulties, trials, and triumphs. Someone we can rely on to tell us the truth, good or bad.

Day 35 Dare:
Find a marriage mentor – someone who is a strong Christian and who will be honest and loving with you. If you feel that counseling is needed, then take the first step to set up an appointment. During this process, ask God to direct your decisions and discernment.

hile Matt and I don’t need any counseling for our marriage, I have quietly been watching a couple who I think would be perfect mentors. They are a public couple and they love each other unconditionally. I watch how they act with each other, toward each other, when they aren’t with each other, etc. It’s amazing how they build each other up and constantly exalt God. I have never and I mean never heard either of them speak negatively of the other. What a great testament to having a God-centered marriage this couple has. At some point, I will ask the wife if she would mind being an accountability partner for me…if she will pray for me and remind me to keep God first and to never say a negative word to Matt.

Lord, you know this couple. You know me. You have put them in my life for a reason. Thank you. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. this is impressive. I want to badly to do this. I bought the book 6 months ago... and still is sitting on my dresser. Maybe reading your blog will inspire me to get up and do something! :)


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