Monday, April 13, 2009

So sorry...

I haven't forgotten about my Love Dare. Actually, I just had to postpone it for a few weeks because there were so many other things going on in our lives. I wanted to be able to dedicate myself 100% to the dare, so I thought it best to start from Day 30 (I have not given up the other concepts I have learned) and finish up the last 10 days. So, as I might not be able to post something every single day, I'm journaling in my Love Dare book and will post as soon as I can.

Today, I got home from work and Matt was on the phone. I heard him tell his buddy that he would talk to him later because I had just gotten home and he wanted to talk to me. I thought, "uh-oh...what have I done." He proceeded to tell me that while he was home today (he's been on vacation for a couple of days) he got on my blog to see the pictures I had put on there. Well guess what he found! You got it. He found the links to my Love Dare blog...and he read it. And he liked it. I was so glad to know that he wasn't angry with me for putting it out there for public consumption, but I explained that I hoped it inspired others. So, tomorrow is the day I'll start with Day 31 and finish the thing...or as Pastor Mark says, "land this plane." Stay tuned and hang in there for sporadic posting as I'm so busy at work, I don't always feel like getting on the computer when I get home in the evenings.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering where you were on this. Glad to know that I don't have to let him know where all the stuff is. It is funny that it took him so long to find it when it was posted for public consumption on your blog! Hope it turns out well!


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